The CMB Burger This week's stuffed burger... ๐The C.M.B. Burger. โพ๏ธ๐ Stuffed with (C)heddar, (M)ozzarella, and Hennessy infused (B)acon.(C)hris Carlin , (M)aggie Gray , and (B)art Scott are the afternoon hosts of the CMB show on WFAN.
This week's stuffed burger... ๐The C.M.B. Burger. โพ๏ธ๐ Stuffed with (C)heddar, (M)ozzarella, and Hennessy infused (B)acon.(C)hris Carlin , (M)aggie Gray , and (B)art Scott are the afternoon hosts of the CMB show on WFAN.