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Celebrate 15 Years of FUN at Foley's

This time of year is always special in the Clancy household and this year is even that bit more special. My little girl Emma turns 21, as does her cousin Aisling. I wish both of them a very Happy Birthday. It is also the 15th birthday for -- as Ryan and Emma affectionately refer to as my 3rd child -- Foley's.

What a journey it has been ; a lot of ups and downs, highs and lows and a lot of ice melted in the men’s room.

So every year when we celebrate this occasion, we have used it to do what I love most: help others. The list of people and charities we have helped with our anniversary parties is a good one, but this year is special. We are not only

helping out a charity -- Baseball Assistance Team -- we are also honoring a man who has been a huge part of New York baseball for nearly four decades and huge supporter of Foley’s.

We are honoring the man, the legend Jay Horwitz on Thursday, Jan. 24.

After decades as Mets VP of Media Relations, Jay has moved on to be the head of Alumni Affairs and Team Historian. No one has a better handle on the Mets history or is more beloved by their former players than Jay. I can’t tell

you how many times over the years I’ve bumped into a former Met or a rep for another team and they always ask about Jay.

He's loved by his peers in public relations and the writers and reporters he has worked with over the years.

So as a way to honor Jay (he has already had his stuffed burger) we are making him our guest of honor. Don't worry he won't actually have to mix drinks or even pour beer. We might have a little Q&A with him and hopefully he will regale us with some of his favorite a Mets stories . Heck we may even have some media members and Mets fans there who will share their favorite Jay stories. And really, who doesn’t have a Jay story?

So if you’re in the neighborhood and want to help us celebrate our birthday, honor one of the finest men in baseball while helping raise money for charity, we’d love to see you on the 24th from 7-9 p.m.

And of course, as we like to say “you never know who you might meet at Foley's”.

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